The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, new to the scene of consumer reporting, is challenging the banking institution’s practice of charging overdraft protection penalty fees on checking accounts. They are testing sample text that will disclose these fees on checking account statements. Overdraft fees have the capacity of inflicting serious financial damage on those people who can least afford it. The bureau wants to learn how consumers are affected, and how they are able to anticipate and … [Read more...]
20 Tips To Save Money
Finding ways to save money is not always an easy process, let alone taking the time to find the best money market rate and set up a money market account or savings account. There are many people that are confused as to how they can save money and they do not budget properly, making it harder and harder for them to put away anything in money market accounts. So what can you do in order to build up a nice nest egg? Here are some great tips on how to save money that will really be able to help … [Read more...]
Consumer Reporting Agencies- Who Is Gathering Data About You?
Believe it or not, you are for sale! Yes that’s right, every aspect of your life is up for grabs and there are companies making a lot of money with your personal information. These companies are known generally as consumer reporting companies. They gather data about you such as your credit and payment histories, mortgage histories, rental histories, checking account histories, medical and pharmacy histories, and the list goes on! Sold To The Highest Bidder! Once these companies gather … [Read more...]
Community Bank of Pleasant Hill’s Checking Account
When you think about earning high interest rates on your money, you usually think of accounts like stocks and bonds, or even CDs and money market accounts. But, with the high yield checking account being offered from Community Bank of Pleasant Hill, you can consider your checking account as an interest earning account. The Bank It is always smart to know who exactly you are investing your money with. Community Bank of Pleasant Hill was started by business men, chairmen and bankers in 2006 as … [Read more...]
Super Reward Checking Account from Provident Credit Union
A checking account is the account we seem to access most often. Most banks don't offer very many perks for checking account holders, however, Provident Credit Union isn't like all the other banking institutions. Provident Credit Union is rewarding its customers by providing them with a checking account they'll want to brag about. Who is Provident Credit Union Provident Credit Union is based out of California. They are the 18th largest credit union in the state of California, and the 82nd … [Read more...]