When you hear the words “net worth” do you think they only apply to the rich? Not so! Not so! Your net worth is an excellent gauge for you to determine how you are doing financially and what you can do to improve.Just jot it down on a piece of paper. This will take five to ten minutes. If you are not proud of your net worth, no one but you has to know. You can throw it away when you are done.HOWEVER, I highly recommend writing it down and going back to it in 3 months, 6 months, a year or even … [Read more...]
Start Saving When Vacationing
It’s nice to go away on a vacation once and awhile as it can recharge your energy and will help you to refocus on your life. Many people choose to go on several vacations a year where others will save up for just one or two vacations. If you want to go on a vacation but your budget is tight, it is a good idea to look for easy ways to save money while vacationing. Establish A Budget Before you head out on vacation you need to have a budget set in stone. This budget will need to include things … [Read more...]
Make and Keep Your Financial Goals
As a financial advisor you may be surprised to know that there is only one thing I like more than saving money, investing money and making money: that is spending money. Although I think I am frugal, my husband thinks that I am the infomercial’s favorite victim, the shampoo industry’s biggest client and the tourism industry’s biggest vacationer. But I have to put it in perspective so I don’t spend more than I make.It is always a good idea to have goals and I have many of them. But it is not … [Read more...]
Is Your Dream to Own an RV?
I want to own a camper. You know that you secretly dream of it too: loading up the kids, visiting obscure places and singing campfire songs at the local KOA campground. This also might be your future “man cave” (or “lady lounge”). Or do you dream of it to keep the mother-in-law in when she visits?Is it always practical? No. Do I still want it even if I know all of the downsides? Yes.Brand new! Payments as low as $92!How many of you have driven by a place that sells brand new RVs that says that … [Read more...]
Building Your Savings With Money Market Accounts
How can money market accounts assist you in being able to build a strong savings account? Money market accounts provide you with a high interest rate compared to other savings account options like a traditional savings account. If you are looking into different options to build your savings, here are some options that can help you in creating a nice savings account. Using Money Market Accounts A money market account allows you to build a nice savings account as you are able to earn a higher … [Read more...]