An article by BudgetQueen You get that offer in the mail from either your credit card or a new credit card to transfer an existing balance with no APR for several months. You think to yourself: “Yes, I do pay a lot of interest every month on my credit card. What if I transferred the balance to the new card? What can it hurt?” Well I am here to discuss the ins and outs of balance transfers. Yes, I have done it as well. I have done it successfully, but I have also noticed the little traps that … [Read more...]
So why do I need good credit anyway?
An article by BudgetQueen When I was car shopping once, I wanted to test drive a car. I look really young for my age and I was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and I think that the salesman thought that I was wasting his time. He even had the nerve to say, “Are you really interested in this car?” before he went to the effort of getting the keys. I was amused. He didn’t know I had wanted this car, researched this car, and saved up for this car for four years. Later the guy came back to me with … [Read more...]
AMEX And The New Annual Fee
Don’t you just love getting a letter in the mail that tells you that your annual fee is being raised on your credit card? Rising annual fees have a lot of credit card users looking elsewhere to help them find the type of accounts they need to manage their credit cards without needing to pay a large portion of money just to keep the credit card account open. AMEX recently announced that they will be increasing the fees on their accounts and members will need to pay an annual fee.Many credit card … [Read more...]
Proper Management of Credit Cards
Credit cards are necessary to help you establish credit so you can get future loans like car loans and mortgages. However, the problem with credit cards is that you can cause a lot of financial damage to yourself if you are not careful with credit cards and you do not learn how to properly manage them. Instant Gratification The problem with credit cards is that they send out the wrong message as they sell people on “buy now, pay later.” You have to be careful with credit cards as the interest … [Read more...]